Full-stack Software Engineer.
Experienced Software Engineer,
B.S. in Computer Science, with 8+
years of experience powering
fast-paced startups.
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Genie is all about connecting people looking for employees with people looking for a job.
Full-stack Engineer
Built their app as a solo developer, using native Android (Java) with RxJava2 and Retrofit. It supported social sign-in and push notifications.
Also built their backend as a solo developer, using Node.js (Express.js) and MySQL. Deployed it to DigitalOcean.
By following good practices, I managed to keep the initial operational costs minimal, while the backend still provided low response times.
2016 - 2017
Food marketplace developed as a personal project. Serves as a storefront for people selling meals and drinks near you.
Full-stack Engineer
This was my first attempt at building my own startup. I was responsible for everything: from design to coding.
Built the backend with Node.js and MySQL. The app itself was built using native Android (Java) with RxJava2 and Retrofit.
Over 40 thousand lines of code (including tests).
2017 - 2018
The brand's homepage. Responsive, snappy and delightful. Yummy!
Lead Software Engineer, Grupo T.T.
Built their website using Node.js and Vue with SSR, which cut down loading times by 40% compared to their previous WordPress solution.
The website is fully responsible and supports retina screens. Performance is great and to that end I employed NGINX to handle caching and TLS termination.
Also built a custom admin interface that works as a CMS, allowing for content to be easily updated.
2018 - Present
The brand's homepage. Responsive, snappy and delightful. Yummy!
Lead Software Engineer, Grupo T.T.
Built their website using Node.js and Vue with SSR, the same tech I used when building the T.T Burger homepage.
The website is fully responsible and supports retina screens. Performance is great and to that end I employed NGINX to handle caching and TLS termination.
Also built a custom admin interface that works as a CMS, allowing for content to be easily updated.
2021 - Present
The startup's homepage. Responsive, snappy and beautiful.
Full-stack Engineer
Built their homepage using Vue, Bootstrap 4, CSS Flexbox and Grid.
By applying the best practices and optimizations, it managed to achieve a 90+ Google PageSpeed score at the time.
Deployed it to Google Cloud Platform.
2018 - 2019
I'm looking for an international opportunity to work with talented people and further advance
my career.